Vintage Fabric Yo-Yo Hair Clips
Every girl needs some stylish hair accessories, and these vintage fabric yo-yos are the perfect solution!
I have always admired the look of yo-yo quilts, but not so much the practicality. But how sweet are these hair clips that can go from prissy to vintagey to sports-team-related!
Yo-yos are made from circles of fabric, and these hair accessories include a button or some sort of embellishment to cover up the gathers in the middle.
I’ve made four sizes: circles that measure 2.5″, 3″, 3.5″ and 4″. The finished yo-yo is 1/2 the size of the circle. The tiny ones are pretty finicky to handle, but they are awfully cute. You simply run a gathering stitch close to the outside edge of the circle and pull up. Backstitch a few times to secure. Then add the button or other embellishment. I’ve also used tiny bows and scrunchies of tiny lace in the middle (gather up about 5″ of a narrow lace).
Then hot glue the yo-yos to the top of hair clips.